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The International 3

Plus grande compétition Esportive actuel, The "TI" pour les intimes est créé par Valve (Steam). C'est un tournoi de DOTA 2 au cashprize de  2 800 000$ (il fallait vous entrainer avant pour avoir votre chance).

[Ep#15] The International 3 - DK vs iG - Game 3 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#14] The International 3 - DK vs iG - Game 2 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#13] The International 3 - DK vs iG - Game 1 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#12] The International 3 - vs Alliance - Game 2 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#11] The International 3 - vs Alliance - Game 1 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#10] The International 3 - All Star Game
[Ep#9] The International 3 - vs Fnatic - Round 2 Loser Bracket
[Ep#8] The International 3 - Orange vs Dignitas - Round 2 Loser Bracket
[Ep#7] The International 3 - mouz vs - Round 1 Loser Bracket
[Ep#6] The International 3 - Dignitas vs RaTtLeSnAkE - Round 1 Loser Bracket
[Ep#5] The International 3 - Fnatic vs TongFu - Game 2 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
[Ep#4] The International 3 - Fnatic vs TongFu - Game 1 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
The International 3 - Navi vs Orange - Game 3 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
The International 3 - Navi vs Orange - Game 2 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
The International 3 - Navi vs Orange - Game 1 - 1/4 de Finale Winner Bracket
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